Hello again. I thought I’d dust off the old blog and try to start posting a bit more often 🙂 I often reflect on the title of this blog, yet I am constantly stunned at how fast these kids of mine are growing up. We are in the thick of raising them right now. Three kids busy with plays, sports, scouts, music, church, and (gulp) thinking about college. I love it.
Here is a bit of what we’ve been into lately.
We all got in the kitchen one Sunday and made a traditional Korean dish called Bibimbap.
It took forever, was a ton of fun, and was absolutely delicious. Korean food seems to be all about having a lot of little, tasty side dishes. That is the part that takes forever, but I sort of loved the idea of giving each ingredient a little individual love.
You can’t make Bibimbap with out a special ingredient for the sauce called gochujang. When I asked my dear Korean friend where to get it, not only did she send me homemade gochujang, but this is how she packaged it. She does everything with superb attention to detail. More about her and her incredible talent in another post.
I’ve also been knitting, sewing, and quilting a bit. I’ve got a scrap quilt going right now. It’s nice to have a mindless quilting project. I can just sit down and sew without any planning.
It’s sort of the same thing as a garter stitch scarf in knitting. Just process, not too much thinking. I’ve got a couple other quilting projects in the works, but I’ll save those for another post.
Yesterday we spent a fun day as a family running some errands and we stopped by Rocket Fizz for a bit of a treat for the kids.
Before I knew it we had hatched a plan to do a rootbeer taste test at home. One of the boys found an actual rootbeer tasting form on the internet and we lined them up.
The Husband labeled each bottle and glass and then mixed them up for a blind tasting. It was so much fun! Everyone had a different favorite (which was often someone else’s least favortie). We now have plans to do taste tests for all kinds of things. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.