In this episode, I chat about quilt progress, a virtual quilt guild meeting, the New Inspector Gamache novel, and two homemaking books.
(Disclosure: Some of these are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you buy from them, at no additional cost to you. Rest assured that I only recommend products that I know and love.)

Thanks to Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring the podcast!
Check out the new Sewcialites Sew Along.
Harney & Sons Tower of London Tea
The blocks for my Rooftop Wonders Quilt with Paintbrush Studio Solid fabrics
Here’s my hand quilting project:

Mrs. Meyer Apple Cider hand soap
- All the Devil’s Are Here by Louise Penny
- The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny
- The Lazy Genius Way by Kenda Adachi
- Welcome Home by Myquillyn Smith
- Check here for the bonus for Welcome Home
- Doodle Stitching Embroidery Art: Move Beyond the Pattern by Aimee Ray
TV shows mentioned:
- McLeod’s Daughters
- When Harry Met Sally
Join the Simple Handmade Everyday Facebook group.
Check out my Amazon page for all my recommendations.
The Simple Handmade Everyday theme song was written and performed by Jonah Esser. Thanks Jonah!