Today is the official launch day of a fabulous book called Dwelling: Simple Ways to Nourish Your Home, Body, & Soul.
I was lucky enough to review an advance copy of Dwelling and I’ve spent a luxurious few weeks enjoying it. Written by Melissa Michaels of the gorgeous blog The Inspired Room, Dwelling takes our dwellings–our home body, and soul into account in this book.
(Disclosure: Some of these are affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you buy from them, at no additional cost to you. Rest assured that I only recommend products that I know and love.)

Dwelling is an invitation to take a good look at yourself and your home and journal your way through various prompts to find out what is important to you, what is working, what’s not, etc. It is full of actionable steps to inspire you to craft a life you love.
Here’s a sample of the Table of Contents,:
- Invitation
- Well-being
- Sanctuary
- Loveliness
- Savoring
- Streamlining
- Foraging
- Nourishing
- Gathering
- Thriving

It’s about slowing down and savoring moments, creating loveliness in your home in attainable ways, simplifying your routines, and spending time with others. It really covers how to live well–and that looks different for each person. But the only way to find out what it looks like for you is to spend a little time thinking about it. And then make small changes and see how they transform your life over time.
It has been the perfect book to read as we are transitioning from winter to spring. It’s the time of year that I’m craving a reset, and Dwelling is brimming with the inspiration I was looking for. It’s been inspiring to read a chapter and take a few minutes to journal in the mornings over a cup of coffee.

The time spent in the morning would often spur me to make a few tweaks to my day–clearing clutter one day, lighting candles another, taking more photos of everyday moments, and just making sure to get outside everyday.
It’s so easy to rush through our days–which means we are rushing through our life, and with just one child left at home right now, rushing is the last thing I want to do. But sometimes you need a little reminder to stop and appreciate what is around you, and that is what this book did for me.

I know that it’s a book that I will read more than once–maybe even once a year for that awesome dose of inspiration that we sometimes need to take a step off of the hamster wheel and take a minute to look around and remember how blessed we are.
For a little inspiration, you may want to check out a one-week email series with simple tips and easy steps toward making lasting change in your life–Seven Steps to Better Well-Being.
And to celebrate the launch of Dwelling, there is a huge giveaway–make sure you enter!