(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you buy from them, at no additional cost to you. Rest assured that I only recommend products that I know and love.)
Do you need a quick weekend quilt? This Jolly Bar Meringue quilt from the Fat Quarter Shop totally delivers the satisfaction of a striking pattern that you can fly through. I made my version with a couple jolly bars (5″ x 10″) of Sweet Marion fabric by April Rosenthal. This fabric line is just so…me! I love the blues, grays, pinks, peaches, and even orange! And you know I love a good colorwash effect–I’m so pleased with how it came out.
I made a few adjustments to the pattern–namely I made it a bit bigger by just adding a few more columns and rows, and I oriented the blocks a bit differently.
Part of the reason it comes together so quickly is that the blocks are big (8″ square), and I used the very handy Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle ruler. The jolly bar precut is just perfect for this ruler, which made the cutting and piecing come together so quickly. I even splurged on buying jolly bars for the background fabric (Moda Bella Porcelain), to save a bit of time on the cutting. Totally worth it.
For the quilting, I did an all-over paisley meander on my domestic sewing machine–which came together pretty quickly. I’m exciting to throw this in the washer and dryer to see how it crinkles up!
And it even comes in handy as a backdrop for a photo shoot for this sweet Big Sewing Case designed by Minki Kim, made up in Abbie by Sue Daley. Teddy gives it his sniff of approval.
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