(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission if you buy from them, at no additional cost to you. Rest assured that I only recommend products that I know and love.)
The next round is up on the Moda Bake Shop Choose Your Own Adventure Quilt Along (whew!) and this week I am so happy to be your camp counselor!

My adventure is Path A: Goose Grove (get all the instructions over on the MBS website.
But I wanted to embellish a bit over here on my blog. I used the Stitch and Flip Oversized with Trimming for my blocks. It’s my favorite method and they just come out so perfect! The extra time that I used trimming the blocks at the end I saved by not having to mark all those diagonal lines! I cannot say enough good things about the Clearly Perfect Angles cling. And it is just as useful for half square triangles as it is for Flying Geese blocks. I’m finding that I’m leaving it on my machine more and more.

I actually played around with using the blue and gray fabric instead of the background fabric, but ultimately I just found the contrast to low. I really like the crispness that the white fabric gives it.

I was once again in chain-piecing heaven, sewing the first square on all 96 blocks, trimming all 96, pressing all 96, and repeating on the other side. There are times that I really like this “mindless” sewing–put a good show up on Netflix, or a fun podcast, and I’m set!
And this Flying Geese BlocLoc ruler was my best friend to trim this big flock of geese into submission.
This sweet quilt has officially outgrown my design wall, so we now have to move outside for photos! I’m so glad that I’ve got some willing quilt wranglers.
Path B will be revealed on Wednesday, and spoiler: it’s a great one! Summer camp has been so fun! I feel like I’ve made some lifelong friends (as you do at camp).