It’s been awhile. I’m not sure how or why I fell off the blogging bandwagon so completely almost a year ago, but there it is. It seems impossible to backtrack and catch up, so I won’t try. But, as I was looking through photos from just the last couple of months, I found a few things to share about what I’ve been up to.
There have been countless cups of tea and and I’ve discovered a unabashed love for pumpkin oatmeal (topped with sunflower butter- I know what you are thinking- but it’s delish).
I’ve been in the kitchen making all kinds of yummy things. Still trying to move more and more toward a plant-based diet.
There was a birthday that now makes me the mother of *two* teenagers! How did this happen?
Said teenager clearly has his own agenda. This has never appeared on one of my to-do lists, but hey, that’s just me.
There has been some knitting (the neverending Hufflepuff scarf),
and quilting (an in-progress bookshelf quilt for my book-loving daughter),
and a trip to Six Flags where the boys found the weirdest glasses ever.
I am in the middle of a nutrition/cooking workshop right now and loving it.
And, finally, the cutest Pinewood Derby car ever! (That’s Finn from Adventure Time, in case you are uninitiated)
I guess that’s it for now. I am certainly hoping to pop in more frequently from now on. We’ll see if I can make that happen.