A kind of crazy week around here, running kids around to their various activities. But I try to take time for my own peaceful moments when I can.
A few minutes this morning to renew my commitment to eating a healthy, plant-based diet. This is my favorite breakfast: whole wheat toast with smashed up avocado and a little salt and pepper. Yummy and so filling.
I’m trying to make sure that I make a little time each day for a little stitching. I took a class last week that taught me how to make the back of my embroidery look (almost) as good as the front. How to not knot the knot, I believe it was called. Since I love to embroider tea towels, it was just what I needed.
Maria, over at Homemade Living, has me rethinking my cleaning routines. I tend to pile all my chores up at the beginning of the week, often leaving me feeling a little overwhelmed. I might try her suggestion and parcel them out over the week, leaving a little more time each day for puttering in the kitchen and garden, or maybe even a little more stitching. A little time for a few peaceful moments.
It’s a challenge for me not to rush through everything. When we homeschooled there was so little time to clean the house I got in the habit of doing everything as fast as I could. I love the Amish philosophy of not really distinguishing between work and leisure, it’s all done for God’s glory. So I am challenging myself to really be present whether I’m cleaning the bathroom, making pumpkin bread, or sitting at the sewing machine. It’s all good.