I remember the first time that I saw free motion quilting on a quilt. I was so confused. How was that possible? I had only ever sewn a straight line on a sewing machine at that point had no concept of how to sew all of those free form shapes!
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And for quite a while I did continue to just quilt in straight lines. And then I got the itch to really learn how to FMQ. I hatched this crazy idea to work my way through a whole book on free motion quilting, The Ultimate Guide to Machine Quilting. I asked a few quilting friends if they wanted to do it together and a fun and very educational blog series was born. The idea was simple: Take one chapter at a time and commit to 15 minutes of daily practice, and then report on what I learned each week on the blog.
I came a LONG way during those ten weeks! I got over my fear of some (not quite all!) motifs and really proved how much a little daily practice makes a HUGE difference.
One of those quilty friends, who also basically learned to FMQ during that blog tour, is HollyAnne over at String & Story. Well, HollyAnne found her passion during those ten weeks. She fearlessly took to FMQ like no one I’ve ever seen. But more importantly, because of how liberated she felt about gaining the confidence to quilt her own quilts–she turned that passion into teaching to others to find that same confidence.
The reason I’m telling you this is because her Free Motion Quilting Academy class is open right now and for just one week, September 12-18, 2019. And she’s got a message just for you:
In this class, she teaches 30 free motion quilting motifs as well as the fundamentals of machine set up, healthy habits (posture, etc), and how to make a quilting plan (what to quilt where). This course takes beginner free motion quilters and transforms them into confident and adventurous intermediate level quilters in just 12 weeks.
I’ve actually taken the class, so I can vouch for the fact that it is awesome! HollyAnne is a natural teacher and encourager. She steps through the motifs in a very accessible way, and as a member of the private Facebook group that is part of the course, I’ve seen plenty of tentative quilters go from terrified to confident over the course of the class.
The class is online, video-based (think Craftsy), so you can watch and practice whenever it’s convenient for you, and you own it forever.
So, if learning FMQ is on your bucket list or perhaps even one of your goals for 2020, I encourage you to finish this year strong and check out this class.