Have you heard of the Slow Stitching Movement? It’s all about process over product. Take your time and enjoy–there’s no finish line. It’s a frame of mind that I have to remind myself to be in–today’s world is so rush, rush, rush! But our sewing doesn’t have to be that way. (deep breath) It’s not even just about sewing–it can be knitting, crochet, anything creative pursuit really.
Today, C&T Publishing ran a blog post about slow stitching featuring Sew Illustrated! We talk a lot about sewing being a way of life in the book. Take time to sit down with your cup of coffee and stitch for a few minutes–and reap the rewards for that self-care for the rest of the day.
Here’s a website devoted to it, and here is a good blog post about it.
Enjoy the process friends.