One of the perks of writing a craft book is the opportunity to play with fabric every day. And, if you are lucky, fabric that has not even been released to the public yet. Minki and I had the privilege of getting some advance cuts of the Milk, Sugar, Flower line from Penny Rose Fabrics. It’s a completely adorable line and now available in fabric stores. It seems like I am seeing all over Instagram these days.
I can’t show anything that is being used for the book, but one night last week, I sat down and just wanted to play a bit. I had purchased Jera Brandvig’s Quilt As-You-Go Made Modern book over the holidays and was looking forward to trying this new-to-me technique.
A mini seemed just the thing. I cut 4 ½” squares of batting and some 1 ½” strips of fabric and just started piecing right onto the batting and immediately quilting. In no time I had four blocks done and sewn together. Since the quilting is already done, it just took a few minutes to attach the backing. I hand stitched the binding the next day at soccer practice and was done! Talk about some instant gratification! I am very pleased with how it came out and it makes me happy every time I look at it.
I can’t wait to try out the log cabin quilt-as-you-go pattern—that will be my next one.
I think that stitching up minis might be a bit addicting!