On Monday we hit the road for a quick geocaching adventure since the kids had the day off of school. Geocaching is such a fun way to spend some time with tweens and teens. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s like a treasure hunt. You are given coordinates and you look for little containers that contain a log that you sign to show you’ve found it. It’s a bit like a secret society. Once you know about it, you find out that geocaches are everywhere!
We actually only had an hour until I had to go pick up the Girl from her weekend away, but no matter, we just hopped in the car and fired up the Geocaching app. It was a beautiful fall day that was overcast and just a little cool. I love the fall color we get here, even if it doesn’t compete with the East coast.
We had one of our most successful ventures, racking up five geocaches in under an hour. Sometimes you have to do fun things like climb trees and hills and bus stops.
All in all, a great afternoon spent with my boys. Our last geocache landed us right across the street from where we were picking up the Girl. After gathering her up, we made a quick stop for frozen yogurt on the way home. Sweet!