I’ve made very little progress on my Tea Leaves cardigan since the last time I talked about it, but I had to tell you about the wonderful book I finished this week! What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. I’ve been hearing about this book on various blogs and podcasts and had just added it to my Amazon wishlist last week, when I looked over on the bookshelf and there it was! I had actually gotten it for Christmas, but had so many things to read at that time that I set is aside (and promptly forgot about it). I started it one evening, came down with the stomach flu that night and basically read the whole thing while recovering from the flu. I absolutely loved it! It really gives you a lot to think about, and I have been nicer to my family this week as a direct result of reading it. You should run out an get a copy right now.
Linking up with Ginny at Small Things.