Linking up with Ginny over at Small Things. Reading and knitting are two of my favorite things, and it is fun to see what other people are reading and knitting too.
Still working on the Tea Leaves Cardigan. Will the sleeves ever be done? I’m reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. It came highly recommended and I was able to download it to my Kindle from the library. (yay!) I recently finished The Girl You Left Behind by the same author and cannot tell you how much I loved that book. It had France, World War I, art, things taking place in two time periods- so many things going on that I love. I highly recommend it. I just started Me Before You, so I don’t have much to say about it yet. But it looks promising.
What are you reading (and/or knitting)? Feel free to link up over at Ginny’s or just share in the comments.